How to Find That You Are at Risk of Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are caused by a failure of the veins to pump blood back up to the heart. Because the veins’ valves do not function properly, blood can collect and cause bulges in the leg. These bulges are called varicose veins. Varicose veins are common for adults over 40, especially women.

When it happens, you will immediately notice that something is wrong. Most people experience pain in their calves, thighs or groin region, and some may have difficulty walking or standing up straight. 

Other signs include swelling in the legs and feet and discoloration of the skin on your lower limbs. If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s best to see a vascular surgeon immediately so they can treat you before varicose veins become more severe or start impacting other areas of your body.

Dizziness and fainting spells

If you experience dizziness and fainting spells, it may be because of varicose veins. Although these symptoms are not serious or life-threatening, they can be debilitating and uncomfortable. 

If you have them regularly, they could signal that something is wrong with your blood circulation. You should see your doctor to discuss the best treatment for these symptoms.

Your legs may feel heavy or tired

If you have varicose veins, your legs may feel heavy or tired. The pain may be acute or painful and may be modest to severe. It usually worsens after sitting for a long time, especially in hot weather. The pain may also be felt when standing for a long time, such as when waiting in line at the supermarket or watching a movie at the theatre.

Aching legs, especially during or after standing for long periods of time, is a sign that you may have varicose veins. Your leg veins become enlarged when the valves in them do not work properly, and fluid builds up, causing swelling.

There is swelling in the ankle area or lower leg

If you have swelling in your lower legs, this is a sign of a problem. The swelling may be caused by varicose veins or another condition, such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy

If you are concerned about the swelling in your lower legs and want to know if varicose veins cause it, talk with your vascular surgeon. They can examine your nether regions and assess whether there is any reason for concern. If so, he or she will recommend treatments that may help relieve symptoms and prevent problems from worsening. 

Your skin texture may change around the ankles 

Skin texture may change around the ankles and sometimes become itchy and irritated. The skin may also become dry, flaky, red, inflamed, and bleed easily. It’s crucial to keep a close lookout for any changes in your skin that can point to the presence of varicose veins.

In addition to changes in skin texture, other symptoms of venous insufficiency include:

  • Pain or throbbing sensations in the lower limbs (legs), especially after a long period of standing up or sitting down;
  • Swelling;
  • Tiredness;


You should contact your vascular surgeon immediately if you notice any of these symptoms. The sooner you see a doctor, the better your chance of avoiding more serious problems. A doctor can tell you whether or not you are at risk of varicose veins and what steps to take next.

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